Upcoming Workshops

Weekly services and scripture and other spiritual studies through corporal and nutritive activities – at homes, parks, or other locations convenient to our followers based on volume.

There are weekly meetings, often in a private home or public setting, at which followers who have progressed to the point of “accept[ing] the faith engage in scripture discussions, enjoy the fellowship of others sharing their commitment and discuss life and our faith in one embodiment. In addition, our Church plans in the future to conduct many weekend and week-long excursions to various locations, at which religious programs and personal counseling are combined with spiritually driven activities.

Recognizing the need for greater insight into the teachings of Jesus Christ as applied in today’s society, our Church activities are used to raise awareness of spirituality and to increase resources and support for development of the physical, social, emotional, and civic maturity.  Corporal and nutritive activities are used to introduce, expose, and rehabilitate the community to the person of Jesus Christ. These corporal and nutritive activities are utilized as daily rituals in a non-obtrusive and non-hypocritical way to dismantle the barriers that prevent the community of followers from achieving faith.   

All activities usually begin with a preparation activity for personal self-meditation, followed by a skit or game or other “fun time" activity to help open the congregations’ acceptance to the Church’s teachings, then perhaps some announcements or a participant's “[sharing of] their own faith," and then a talk or sermon by the leader, followed by more self-reflection and meditation.

© 2020 Church of Fitness and Nutrition